Edan U60 Ultrasound
With its compact design, user-friendly operation and advanced imaging technologies, the U60 diagnostic ultrasound system offers a broad range of clinical applications to address all of your imaging needs.
▪ High-resolution 15” monitor for easy viewing
▪ Battery operation of up to 60 minutes provides uninterrupted workflow
▪ Flexible image archiving solutions including storage to USB and DICOM
▪ Spatial Compounding Technology which utilizes multiple lines of sight to improve contrast resolution Imaging
Modes: B mode, M mode, Color Doppler, PDI/DPDI,
PW Doppler, CW Doppler, HPRF (High Pulse Repetition Frequency)Applications: Abdomen, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Cardiology, Small Parts, Urology, Vascular, Pediatric, Musculoskeletal